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Supporting Local: The Heart of Micro Business

Business Local

When you buy from a local business, you are not just getting a product or a service. You are also supporting a community, a culture, and a vision. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of supporting local businesses, especially micro businesses, and how they contribute to the social and economic well-being of our society.

What is a micro business?

A micro business is a small business that has fewer than 10 employees and a low turnover. Micro businesses are often run by sole traders, freelancers, or family members. They operate in various sectors, such as retail, hospitality, arts, crafts, education, health, and more.

Micro businesses are different from other small businesses because they have less access to capital, resources, and markets. They also face more challenges in terms of regulation, taxation, and competition. However, micro businesses have some advantages as well. They are more flexible, innovative, and responsive to customer needs. They can also offer more personalized and customized services.

Why support local micro businesses?

Supporting local micro businesses has many benefits for both consumers and society. Here are some of them:

  • Supporting local micro businesses helps create jobs and income for local people. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) account for 98% of all businesses in Kenya and employ 17.3 million people. Micro businesses alone employ 16.7 million people and generate KES 3.5 trillion in turnover.
  • Supporting local micro businesses helps reduce environmental impact. Local businesses tend to use less energy, transport, and packaging than larger corporations. They also source their materials locally and ethically, reducing their carbon footprint and waste.
  • Supporting local micro businesses helps preserve local identity and diversity. Local businesses reflect the culture, history, and values of their communities. They also offer unique products and services that cannot be found elsewhere. By supporting local businesses, we can enjoy more variety and quality in our lives.
  • Supporting local micro businesses helps build social capital and trust. Local businesses are more likely to engage with their customers, suppliers, and neighbours. They also support local causes and charities, contributing to the common good. By supporting local businesses, we can strengthen our social bonds and networks.

How to support local micro businesses?

There are many ways to support local micro businesses. Here are some suggestions:

  • Buy from local micro businesses whenever possible. Whether it is food, clothing, gifts, or services, try to choose local options over online or chain alternatives. You will not only get better value for your money but also support the livelihoods of local entrepreneurs.
  • Recommend local micro businesses to your friends and family. Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools for any business, especially for micro businesses that have limited budgets and reach. If you have a positive experience with a local business, share it with others and encourage them to try it out.
  • Review local micro businesses online. Online reviews can make or break a business in today’s digital world. If you are satisfied with a local business, leave a positive review on their website or social media platforms. This will help them attract more customers and improve their reputation.
  • Join or start a local business network or association. Local business networks or associations can provide support, advice, and opportunities for micro businesses. They can also help raise awareness and advocacy for the issues and challenges that micro businesses face. If you are a micro business owner or an aspiring one, join or start a network or association in your area.
  • Volunteer or donate to local business initiatives or projects. Local business initiatives or projects can help promote, develop, or improve the conditions of micro businesses in your community. They can also provide training, mentoring, or funding for micro business owners or aspiring ones. If you have time or resources to spare, volunteer or donate to these initiatives or projects.


Supporting local micro businesses is not only good for the economy but also good for the environment and society. By supporting local micro businesses, we can create more jobs and income, reduce environmental impact, preserve local identity and diversity, and build social capital and trust.

If you want to support local micro businesses in your area, you can start by buying from them whenever possible, recommending them to others, reviewing them online, joining or starting a network or association, or volunteering or donating to initiatives or projects.

Let’s support local micro businesses today and make our communities more vibrant and resilient!